
You can find AIV advisory reports under document type 'Publication'. You can also filter by publication type to select either advisory reports or advisory letters.

This site contains an English translation of every advisory report and letter.  

165 documents

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  1. Designing smart Industrial Policy

    Rapid and structural changes in the global balance of political and economic power have prompted a debate in Europe on the need ...

    Publication | 01-04-2022

  2. Advisory report Choices for the Armed Forces

    Publication | 04-03-2022

  3. Autonomous Weapon Systems

    Fully autonomous weapon systems cannot be deployed in accordance with the rules of international humanitarian law and must ...

    Publication | 03-12-2021

  4. Social Protection in Africa

    Social protection, particularly income security, demonstrably improves the position of the poorest people in Africa. The Advisory ...

    Publication | 09-06-2021

  5. European Asylum Policy: Two Major Accords to Break the Impasse

    Since the refugee crisis of 2015-2016, the European asylum system has been in stalemate. In this advisory report, the AIV focuses ...

    Publication | 01-12-2020

  6. Security and the legal order in the Caribbean

    The Netherlands, Aruba, Curaçao and St Maarten will need to work together to reduce drug crime that undermines society and combat ...

    Publication | 10-09-2020

  7. The provision and funding of non-lethal assistance to non-State armed groups abroad

    In this report the CAVV and the Advisory Council on International Affairs (AIV) discuss how the provision of ‘non-lethal ...

    Publication | 25-06-2020

  8. Regulating Online Content

    The internet has long been hailed as a forum for the free exchange of information, a promoter of human rights and a driver of ...

    Publication | 24-06-2020

  9. Digitalisation and youth employment in Africa

    The digital divide between Africa and the rest of the world is big. The ongoing coronavirus crisis has exacerbated this problem. ...

    Publication | 19-06-2020

  10. European Security: Time for New Steps

    Europe’s security is under pressure from new threats, fundamental geopolitical shifts and changes in the transatlantic ...

    Publication | 19-06-2020