Peace and Security Committee
The Peace and Security Committee prepares advisory reports on current international security issues, the armed forces, transatlantic relations and European security policy.
Lieutenant General (ret.) Jan Broeks
Professor Beatrice de Graaf
Distinguished Professor of History of International Relations and Global Governance at Utrecht University
Jochem de Groot MA MSc
Independent strategic advisor on AI, emerging technologies and geopolitics.
Founder of
Theo ten Haaf
Major General Pilot (retired)
Nina van Lanschot, MSc
Director Signpost Six
Dr Anna-Alexandra Marhold
Assistant professor at the Institute of Public Law and the International Legal Studies at Leiden University
Professor Frans Osinga
Professor in War Studies at the Institute of Security and Global Affairs at Leiden University
Alexander Ribbink
Founding Partner at Keen Venture Partners
Dr Gulnaz Sibgatullina
Assistant Professor for Illiberal Regimes in the Department of History, European Studies, and Religious Studies at the University of Amsterdam
Bastiaan R. Walenkamp, MSc
Managing Director Deloitte
Dick Zandee
Senior Research Fellow and Head of the Security Unit of the Research Department of the Clingendael Institute
Anna van Zoest MPhil
Director Netherlands Atlantic Association
Sanne van der Lugt
Project secretary
Shila de Vries MSc