European Integration Committee
The European Integration Committee prepares advisory reports addressing current European developments, the role of the European institutions, the external relations of the European Union and the position of the Netherlands.
- Carsten Brzeski
Chief Economist at ING Germany - René Cuperus
Senior Associate Fellow at Clingendael & Research Fellow at the 'Duitsland Instituut' of the University of Amsterdam - Professor Hylke Dijkstra
Professor International Security and Cooperation at Maastricht University - Professor Antoaneta Dimitrova
Professor Comparative Governance, Leiden University - Professor dr Hanneke van Eijken
Professor Rule of Law and Democracy at University Utrecht - Johan A. de Koning MPhil
Independent economic advisor - Dr Mendeltje van Keulen
Professor of practice "Changing role of Europe", De Haagse Hogeschool - Dr Joris Larik
Assistant Professor of Comparative EU and International Law, Leiden University - Joshua Livestro MPhil
Senior adviser European affairs at an international public affairs consultancy - Professor Ton Nijhuis
Director at the 'Duitsland Instituut' of the University of Amsterdam - Kees van Rij
Former ambassador of the Netherlands in Brasil, Türkiye, Spain & Greece - Dr Louise van Schaik
Head of Unit EU & Global Affairs, Clingendael Institute - Professor Catherine de Vries
Affiliated Professor at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
Project secretary
Paula de Beer MSc